Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's day to all the mommies and mommies-to-be!!

Just wanted to stop in and say that. :)

I didn't want to post pictures of kass and myself, so I thought I would share that I've been working on these stylus for the touch screen gadgets, iPad, iPhone, droid, etc. I've having fun beading these past couple of weeks on little project like this...I've been told that's how it starts!!! But no, I'm NOT getting into jewelry!! ;) I'll leave that to my friend, Mandy, who has been busy at work, creating some beautiful simply leilani under our kreations blog pals...:)

I am still going to work on my paper goodies, just trying to organize the "mess" that I have created...that's the goal for this summer...:)...yup, organize the mess and build the paper craft inventory to share with you this winter craft fair season...:)

Have a great week! Hugs, myra


Unknown said...

Hey Myra! How much are these?

Tina V

Unknown said...

Hey Myra! How much are these?

Tina V

myra said...

hi tina! these are $7 each or 3 for $20

myra said...

hi tina! these are $7 each or 3 for $20